I love to exercise!
I love going hiking, I love walking, I love going to the gym, I'm even enjoying my learn to run a 5km program! I am so so blessed that God has given me a strong body and a body that responds well to being challenged. I love the fact that in my job I have a lot of free time and I am able to exercise easily without getting up at 4am. Todays chapter in Made to Crave is about how we need to exercise even when we don't enjoy it and I was so fortunate to be able to say, this isn't a problem for me! Thank you Lord!Prayer:
Lord, I thank you for the love you have give me to move. Lord I thank you that you have pointed me in the direction of exercise that I really enjoy! Lord, I thank you that you have given me a wonderful and supportive family unit when it comes to exercise as they make great workout buddies. Lord, I thank you that you have given me a strong body that is capable of so many things! Lord, I pray that I would continue to push myself as I'm working out and that I would continue to become stronger and healthier because of it. Lord, I pray for this following week and a bit as we go away that I would be able to keep up my exercise and food. That I wouldn't see this as a hiatus but rather that it would be a time to show myself and others that even when we're traveling and eating well can be a challenge it's one that I can win! It's one that I don't need to let get me down and Lord the only way that's going to happen is if you are there to make sure i'm successful! If you're there for me to lean on and if you're there reminding me that I'm doing this for greater things then being slim. I'm doing this so that I can be that much closer to you. Lord, today as I go to weigh in I pray that your will would be done on the scale. That whatever number shows up I would know that I have obeyed you and it's not my work that's got me there but yours and Lord help it not to define me either way. thank you Lord, that this journey means so much to you and that you are willing to walk along side me and give me someone to lean on. Amen
1. Ran 2.5 min at once and did it going up hill!
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.
2 Timothy 4:7
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