Today I was back to reading the book, chapter 2 Replacing My Cravings. Because I have already read this book There are things that I had picked up previously that carried into this session. One of those things, the key to this chapter, is prayer. When I am tempted to go off plan pray, when I screw up pray even it it means praying until there is no energy left in you do it! This chapter also covered the fact that the author loved food more then God. I know some people struggle and deny when they hear this statement, not me, I've known it to be true for a while. I was just struggling on how to get from that to God first. I tried many different things , devos, church, missions etc. but Lisa suggests that I do one thing, Pray! When I'm tempted to put food in my mouth that isn't within my plan I am to pray and resist temptation. Over time God will win that battle for me and as I replace my cravings with him he will regain his spot as Lord of my life.
Lisa also made a good point that when we're not following God and instead we're relying on something else for our strength, comfort, joy etc. we're not going to be where God wants us to be. We're going to be missing out on things, one of those things being an abundant life! Alright so more prayer and fervent prayer when it's needed!
Went out for lunch with mom and got a healthy salad. When I got full I packed up the rest to come home!
Prayer: Lord, I thank you that you're always here you're always there for me. You're never far away and you want to help me through this. You don't want me to be a glutton, you don't want me to rely on food you want me to have you as my rock not chocolate. I thank you Lord, that you are right there helping me out. That when I want to keep eating that popcorn or I want an extra snack etc. you are there ready to carry me through it. I know it's still going to get harder before it gets easier but I thank you that you are willing to spend the time you need to in order for me to be successful in putting you back as Lord of my life. I pray as I go to the church today that you will be with me. As I see those chocolate cookies, or want to try just a bit of what we're serving for lunch help me to remember this is so much bigger then a smaller pant size. This is about me getting right with you. This is about me taking food and Satan off the throne in my heart and replacing them with you. Lord, give me the strength to do this because I can tell you my strength is not enough to make it out of there unscathed. Lord, I also know that I'm a little over tired today I pray that even though my resolve will be weakened and my cravings will be stronger that you carry me through that, that your power will cover my resolve so that is is unbreakable. Thank you Lord, that you want this just as much as I do, if not more. You want me to be right with you, you long to be #1 in my life and thank you that together we will get there. Amen
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